
Mastering Your First Back Handspring: Choosing the Perfect Incline Mat

Using an incline mat for gymnastics is a game-changer when teaching beginner back handsprings. This essential tool simplifies the learning process and boosts confidence. Starting with the right gymnastics mat can make all the difference. So, how do you choose the best incline mat? Mancino Manufacturing is here to guide you.

How to Choose the Best Incline Mat

When selecting the ideal incline mat for back handsprings, keep these tips in mind:

  1. What is the age and size of your athletes?
    • Ages 7–9 (4’8”–5’2”): Choose an incline mat that is at least 72 inches long. For added versatility, consider folding or non-folding options based on your needs. Check out our 72-inch incline mats here.
    • High School Athletes (5’–6’): Opt for an incline mat 84 inches or longer to accommodate taller athletes.
  2. Is your space permanent or portable?
    • Portable Spaces: If you need to store your mat, like in a school gym, foldable incline mats are your best choice for easy transport and storage.
    • Permanent Facilities: For gymnastics centers, non-folding incline mats are ideal as they can stand upright against walls for convenient storage.

Why Use an Incline Mat?

Incline mats make learning back handsprings easier by reducing difficulty and improving technique. The angled surface helps athletes master the proper form and gain confidence quickly.

Creative Ways to Use Your Incline Mat

An incline gymnastics mat is more than just a training tool – it’s a versatile asset for skill-building:

  • Sit and Push Drill: Stand the mat against a wall to teach proper leg and backward momentum for back handsprings.
  • Tunnel Drill: Place two inclines on their sides to form a tunnel, encouraging proper leg drive during roundoffs.
  • Roundoff-Pushback Drill: Use the incline standing as a “catcher” for athletes practicing roundoff pushback transitions.

These drills and more make the incline mat an essential piece of gymnastics training equipment for athletes at every level.

Shop Mancino Incline Mats Today

Ready to enhance your back handspring training? Explore Mancino’s wide range of foldable incline mats and non-folding incline mats to find the perfect fit for your athletes. Shop incline mats now.

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